January 2022 News
Hope all of you have had a great Holiday Season. Blackmouth fishing should be open in Marine Area 10. Hopefully, it will be open for more than a few weeks. Our hooking encounters of small fish really set us back. If I get out I’m going to try something different – trolling large plugs and spoons, 5 inches or bigger, to try to reduce the number of shakers I hook. That really helps knock those shaker hook-ups down.
December 2021 News
Will we start meetings in January? The short answer is “no”. Louie Morton and I had a sit down, face-to-face meeting (facemasks in place) with the Bremerton Parks Department about the feasibility of starting meetings at the Sheridan Center in January. It was a transparent and frank discussion about us starting up again.
Kid’s Free Fishing Day
We need to prepare for Kid’s Fishing Day 2022 in April
Salmon in the Classroom
Why do I think Louie is talking about Chum? The pandemic of covid 19 has slowed but not stopped the good work of the Kitsap Poggie Club in our Salmon in the Classroom outreach efforts we have three schools that have active salmon in the classroom programs this year....