
The Story of Kitsap Poggie Club

Our members are committed to upholding all the laws of our cities, counties, state and country and to the ethical and responsible treatment of all people, wildlife and natural re-sources.

About Kitsap Poggie Club

Since 1951

The Kitsap Poggie Club is a fishing club established in 1951 that provides family fun and enjoyment of the outdoors.

Our fishery is a premier fishery available to local residents. The Kitsap Poggie Club, in association with, the Suquamish Tribe, the city of Bremerton, and Washington State, raise over 2.5 million hatchery salmon per year for us to target.

The Kitsap Poggie Club is a recognized Washington State non-profit organization that promotes fishing, crabbing and other family oriented outdoor water activities.  Our club feels that we are giving the families of our wonderful area an outdoor, family oriented alternative in today’s very busy, electronic world.


Did you know?

  • The Poggie club was founded in March 1948 with 12 members
  • In 1951 the Poggies purchased the site for the old Kitsap Lake public boat launch
  • In 1954 the Poggies provided the State $1200 for concrete for the Misery Point boat ramp
  • In 1956 the Poggies shared the expense of installing the Evergreen Park boat launch
  • In 1969 the Poggies started raising King salmon at Jarstad Park in Gorst for 6 years, then again from 1981-present in co-operation with WDFW, the Suquamish Tribe and the city of Bremerton
  • In 1970 the Poggies helped raise money to buy a rescue boat for the Kitsap County Sheriff’s Department
  • In 1972 the Poggies hung Christmas trees under floats for herring to spawn on.
  • In 2002 the Poggies put a new roof on the picnic shelter at Jarstad Park in Gorst
  • In 2004 the Poggies donated $500 for planning of the new Misery Point boat launch
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