Welcome to the Bremerton Sportsmen’s Club.
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Our members are committed to upholding all the laws of our cities, counties, state and country and to the ethical and responsible treatment of all people, wildlife and natural resources.
The Bremerton Sportsmen’s Club is a group of people who meet with the objective of promoting the conservation of wildlife and providing education to youth and adults in regard to the conservation and preservation of the air, soils, minerals, forests, waters and wildlife of the State of Washing-ton and of our country.
Meeting Schedule
Meetings are held at the Bremerton Trap and Skeet Club., 4956 State Hwy 3 SW, Port Orchard, WA 98367. Meetings are held on the 4th Tuesday of every month except October (no meeting).
Members share a potluck meal starting at 6 pm with the official meeting start time of 7 pm.
Ongoing Activities
The Bremerton Sportsmen’s Club has adopted several camping and fishing access areas in Mason and Kitsap Counties in a cooperative program with the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife and the Department of Natural Resources. This is a program much like the adopt a highway program with the club taking on the chore of cleaning up the areas.
Members of the club support the Department of Fish and Wildlife by participating in data collection for creel census and stream surveys. They are involved with pheasant release programs and other related activities.
Members make fishing and hunting management recommendations to the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife.