General meeting: The October General meeting will be October 15th at Sheridan Center 680 Lebo Blvd, Bremerton. Doors open at 6:30pm, meeting begins at 7:00pm. Pizza will be available and Jameson Hawn of Riverbend Woodworks (Instagram: @riverbend_woodworks, YouTube: @RiverbendWoodworks) will stop to give his fishy perspective on woodworking, metalworking and foam carving.
We also have lots of planning and volunteer opportunities with our Salmon in the Classroom program. We are happy to announce that we’ve added a 5th school (Manchester Elementary) to our Salmon in the Classroom program in addition to S. Kitsap HS, Burley Glenwood, S. Colby and Sunnyslope.
Kitsap Salmon Tours:We will volunteer at Kitsap Salmon Tours on 11/2/2024 at Otto Jarstad Park from 8:30am-2:30pm. We will demonstrate salmon dissection and lifecycle presentations, as well as hosting visitors for salmon viewing.
Board Met:October 9th 7PM at Art Bruner Residence. Next board meeting is November 13th.
Dues: 2024 dues. You can pay on the web, you can pay by mail, you can pay at a meeting. Please choose one and get caught up on your dues. Dues serve the community through camp scholarships, salmon in the classroom, etc.,
Club needs:
- We need a new Poggie to operate the Summer Picnic Auction. This involves accepting and holding donations through the year and setting up with help the auction display and being the auctioneer at the picnic. We all thank Glen Jurges who has coordinated the summer auction for several years and congratulate him on his retirement from the role.
- Salmon in the Classroom volunteers
- 2024 Christmas Party committee volunteers (contact Karen Fox)
Upcoming events:
- 10/15: Kitsap Poggie general meeting. Planned speaker is Jameson Hawn who handcrafts landing nets and other fishy artwork out of wood. You can learn more about Jameson on instagram:
- 11/2: Kitsap Salmon Tours. Volunteer alongside other community organizations as we celebrate the return of salmon in the fall.
- 11/19: Kitsap Poggie general meeting
- 3/31/2025 – 4/4/2025: Tentative release dates for Salmon in the Classroom at Otto Jarstad Park