January 2022 News

Jan 4, 2022 | Club News

Board Meeting:  Board Members are meeting at a new location in person will be on January 11, 2022 at 7 PM. See below for the location address. Non-board members are welcome to attend and check out the new location.                          

From The Chief Poggie,

GOOD NEWS!!! (I hope) but more about that later.

I hope all of you have had a great Holiday Season.  Blackmouth fishing should be open in Marine Area 10.  Hopefully, it will be open for more than a few weeks.  Our hooking encounters of small fish really set us back. If I get out  I’m going to try something different – trolling large plugs and spoons, 5 inches or bigger, to try to reduce the number of shakers I hook. That really helps knock those shaker hook-ups down.

How do you like the new webpage?  I think it’s great.  Thank you, Ron Kirkland and Louie Morton, for the hard work in getting this up and running.  I especially like that I can pay my membership dues online. Speaking of membership dues….

Yes, it is that time of year again to renew our membership.   Dues will return to our traditional $25.00 annually for the immediate family.  Your board hopes that being able to pay through the webpage will make it easier than in past years.   We have plans for our dues.   And that leads me to the GOOD NEWS!

We are going to start our regular in-person regular meetings starting in February at a new temporary location.

The building we will be meeting at is the Clear Creek Community Club located at 12641 Clear Creek Road, Silverdale Washington. (shares parking with Grange Facility) All meetings will be moved to a Tuesday night because Wednesdays are unavailable.  Meetings will start at 7 PM, but we will open the hall around 6:30 PM for set up and fellowship.  Covid protocols will be determined at the January board meeting.  We will try this new location thru April.  Why a new spot?  Well, Louie Morton and I went and had a discussion with Bremerton City Parks and Recreation.  Their Covid protocols are still in place and make having a meeting at the Sheridan location very limited and difficult at this time.  We don’t want to necessarily move permanently, but we do want to start having meetings.  Hopefully, the city will have a clearer picture of what Covid protocols will be used on a long-term basis by then.

Speaking of board meetings,  if you want a tune-up of the new facility, we will be having an in-person board meeting on January 11th starting at 7 PM.  All are invited to attend.  There will be coffee and cookies at the board meeting.  And this brings me back to this year’s membership dues. Why do we need them with being basically shut down?  Well, we are not planning on being shut down this year!  We are actively planning for our Kids’ Fishing Party and a kick-off party for February’s meeting.   How about a chili dog feed?  Speaking of feeds, let’s start planning for a summer picnic, we need some razor clam donations for that.  How about summer camp?  We will be discussing that and more at the board meeting.  Does anyone else have any ideas for club projects?  Come to the board meeting and let us know.  All of this takes funding and this is why we collect membership dues.  Thanks to Art Bruner for finding us this new spot. 

So stay tuned to your newsletter and webpage.  We have lots to catch up on.  Let’s get our Club back to where it should be.

In service,
Poggie Norm

The Link to the SITC at: SKHS: https://youtu.be/6IfzK-ieZmw

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